Playing Gears Of War 3 Pre Review Review

Hi Gamers!

We finished playing through Gears Of War 2 so we could prepare for the onslaught of Gears 3. Here are my opening thoughts.

The good:
Amazing graphics! The graphics are top notch, and everything is shiny, and polished. The character lip movement is more in sync with the voice acting this time around.

This game is a ton of fun. We made it through about a third of the game so far. Should finish it within the week.

The bad:
We encountered a glitch on one of the Lambent bosses. In this segment of content, you have to shoot out the eyes of a mother lambent, and we made it to the last eye, and the eye glitched out, meaning we could not shoot out the last eye. I will post a video of this glitch so you can be aware.

I do not care for the ammo/gun/item pickups. They have added a little time delay to the pickups. Not a big deal but I do not really care for this change.

Overall it is shaping up to be an amazing game. I will post a full video and blog review once I complete the game. Also watch out for my boss fight videos!

Good Game!

-The Masked Gamer

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