First Female Pro League Of Legends LCS Player

This is the first professional League Of Legends player, that is also a female.

Or is she?

The transgender headlines have been absolutely non-stop lately, and I am honestly sick of it. Everywhere you look the media is blabbing on and on about transgender this and transgender that. When does it end? Will it end when effective non-discrimination laws are in place protecting everyone ? Nope, already have those. Will it stop when transgender people get their own TV shows? Nope. Will it stop when there are transgender people playing video games professionally? Nope. Nope. Nope.

Listen, I don't care if some guy wants to tell everyone he identifies as a female. Here is what I do care about. I care about people telling me that a guy that dresses up like a female is "a real woman". Nope, sorry, if you were born a male, I will never consider you a real woman. Will I treat you poorly? No, won't do that. Will I discriminate against you? Only when it comes to sexual discrimination. I like women with women parts. No matter what anyone says to me, I will not believe you are female. If you were born with a hot dog, you are a dude just like me.

I find it absolutely distasteful and disrespectful to real women that this person is being called the first LoL female pro. It is an atrocity. This person, is not a female. He identifies as one. He tries to act like one. He has long hair like one. But sorry pal, you have a penis just like me.

Imagine your girlfriend,sister,wife,cousin, or female friend was a League Of Legends player. You know how hard it is to climb the ranks, let alone get picked up by a pro LCS team. Imagine that the first woman actually makes it. Puts in the blood, sweat, tears, and dedication, and is then named the "second female LoL pro". What a shame that would be. Can you just imagine if Tito Ortiz decided that he was Tina Ortiz, and fought in the Women's UFC? How about Michael Jordan? What if he started wearing a bra and tried out for the WNBA. Would that be acceptable? Heck no! So many left oriented women feminist types fight so hard talking about how there is no difference between men and women, yet as soon as men start climbing into women only leagues, I guarantee you that will change with a quickness.

Listen, I don't care what people want to do, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else, but can we just get real here?

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