PS4 Leaked Controller FAKE

Look at this fake Playstation 4 controller that was leaked!
    Sorry for the misleading post..I don't think this is fake. However I do think that this is not the "final version". I have been reading these ludicrous articles, on sites like FOX News (give me a break) and Forbes (Barf). I love reading these canned gaming articles on big corporate sites. It is entertaining, but it also makes me want to grind my eyeballs out with my 360 controller, which would hurt, and take a long time.
    This degenerate on Forbes goes on to quote some other idiot saying that the "touchscreen" would be used for this: "should allow for finer, more granular control than the less sensitive analogue sticks – think of the minute movements required for lining up a head-shot, for example." We all know how hard it is to line up a headshot with those unresponsive sticks, right? People like this should quit reporting on gaming news until they have actually played a video game. If I wanted to play Call Of Duty with an Android I would... wait, I wouldn't want to play COD on a touchscreen, how stupid would that be? I can just see it now "Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Nintendo DS version" bring out your noob sticks and start slapping them around on the touch screen with your 6 year old niece playing Pokemon. Now my head hurts.

    It get's better, and I am not even kidding when I quote this noob from FOX News: "Other whispers have claimed the new device will feature ultra-HD , and eight computer chips in its electronic brain to give it TEN times the processing power of the PS3" So I guess this means that the "writers at FOX News are laying in bed "whispering" to each other about the next generation console. I imagine the conversation would go something like this:

Reporter 1: "Bob what do you think about the PlayBox 4"
Reporter 2: "What's a PlayBox 4 Jim?"
Reporter 1: "It's that new Nintendo from Sony."
Reporter 2: "Ohhhhh yeah...I bought one of my kids that new Nintendo from Microsoft last year."
Reporter 1: "Anyways Bob, I hear this one is better than the last Nintendo PlayBox 3. I heard it has a stronger...uhm...what's it called...Electric Sytem...?"
Reporter 2: "You mean electric brain."
Reporter 1: "That's right! The electric brain!"

    I imagine shortly after, Bob and Jim's boss would walk into the bedroom, overhearing the "whispering" and say something like "Bob and Jim, Larry over in the Nintendo Game's Department quit, and we need a new team of Nintendo expert's to take over writing for him. I overheard you two talking, and it is obvious that you are Nintendo expert's, you will be perfect for the job"

  Enough fooling around. Back to the controller. If this is truly a prototype, which it may be, it is just that, a prototype. Sony does not have a history of releasing items that do not look as sleek as they operate, and I doubt that they will start now with the next round of console wars just around the corner.

  -The Masked Gamer

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