First Female Pro League Of Legends LCS Player

This is the first professional League Of Legends player, that is also a female.

Or is she?

The transgender headlines have been absolutely non-stop lately, and I am honestly sick of it. Everywhere you look the media is blabbing on and on about transgender this and transgender that. When does it end? Will it end when effective non-discrimination laws are in place protecting everyone ? Nope, already have those. Will it stop when transgender people get their own TV shows? Nope. Will it stop when there are transgender people playing video games professionally? Nope. Nope. Nope.

Listen, I don't care if some guy wants to tell everyone he identifies as a female. Here is what I do care about. I care about people telling me that a guy that dresses up like a female is "a real woman". Nope, sorry, if you were born a male, I will never consider you a real woman. Will I treat you poorly? No, won't do that. Will I discriminate against you? Only when it comes to sexual discrimination. I like women with women parts. No matter what anyone says to me, I will not believe you are female. If you were born with a hot dog, you are a dude just like me.

I find it absolutely distasteful and disrespectful to real women that this person is being called the first LoL female pro. It is an atrocity. This person, is not a female. He identifies as one. He tries to act like one. He has long hair like one. But sorry pal, you have a penis just like me.

Imagine your girlfriend,sister,wife,cousin, or female friend was a League Of Legends player. You know how hard it is to climb the ranks, let alone get picked up by a pro LCS team. Imagine that the first woman actually makes it. Puts in the blood, sweat, tears, and dedication, and is then named the "second female LoL pro". What a shame that would be. Can you just imagine if Tito Ortiz decided that he was Tina Ortiz, and fought in the Women's UFC? How about Michael Jordan? What if he started wearing a bra and tried out for the WNBA. Would that be acceptable? Heck no! So many left oriented women feminist types fight so hard talking about how there is no difference between men and women, yet as soon as men start climbing into women only leagues, I guarantee you that will change with a quickness.

Listen, I don't care what people want to do, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else, but can we just get real here?

League Of Legends Troll Of The Week #1 Brad Shit

    What's up gamers? Today's post is in reference to my video, League Of Legends Troll Of The Week Episode #1 Brad Shit. I know that I poke some fun in this video, but trolling in LoL is a serious issue. When people play ranked games, they are doing so in order to accomplish something for themselves. Even though this is "just a game" a lot of people take gaming competition seriously, and it is a large portion of many peoples lives.     What is there to gain by "trolling" or being a poor teammate? Is there more satisfaction to be gained by ruining someone else's experience, and wasting another persons time and effort? I don't ask these questions hypothetically, I honestly want an answer. Are you a player like Bradpit, or are you one of the good guys?    Please comment below if you can lend any answers to these questions, I am interested in hearing your opinions! Google+

League Of Legends How I got out of Bronze in ranked

What's up gamer's?

    I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I am here to tell you what I have been up to. League Of Legends is a total time sink, meaning it will send you into a time warp of sorts. When I first started playing, it was more of a social expenditure. I would get on Teamspeak and chat with my friends, even my brothers played it with me. Now, it has become an obsession. I spend my time playing LoL like a maniac. I work toward getting that extra LP (league points), pushing for the next tier. This isn't quite the story of my entire League experience, more so a guide to getting out of Bronze. Bronze is commonly known as LoL HELL.

    First, let me tell you what being in the Bronze League is like. A typical game has typical players doing oh so typical things. In League, player behavior is like a virus, it spreads and spreads until it infects just about everyone and everything. In Bronze, it is the worst. Players leave games after dying once. People quit before any real objectives have been taken. Sometimes, people try to ruin games on purpose, this is called trolling, or being a "troll". Trolls are commonplace in League, but in Bronze, it is a 50/50 chance of getting entangled with one.

    Being stuck in bronze is terrible. The way the League system works is that you have to win games in order to gain LP (league points), once you reach 100 LP, you are then up for a promotional. series. If you win your next 2 of 3 games you move up to the next rung. The leagues are broken down into 5 Divisions one through five, and six Tiers, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and finally, Challenger. The VAST majority of players are locked into the Bronze and Silver tiers. Once you get 100 LP, and win your 2 of 3 games, and move through the 5 divisions, you then get to play a promotional series to get moved up to the next tier. This promo series is best three of five.

    Now, finally, here is my story. In LoL, you are placed into games based on your MMR (match making rating) or previously known as ELO. In the beginning, I thought I was a pretty good player. I would be matched up with other sucky players, and I would beat said sucky players, and have a nice boosted ego. Boy was I wrong. One day, I decided I was good enough for ranked play. I am not sure who told me to do it, because I was soooooo not ready for the competitive league. When I started my first ranked games, I was playing on a locked screen, and was not using smart casting. Two basic fundamentals of the game that were unknown to me. Regardless, I dove into ranked anyway...

    I made a HUGE mistake! Jumping into the ranked games like I did royally screwed me. When you first play in ranked games, your performance in 10 games is taken into consideration when you are initially placed into a division and tier. The more games you win, the higher you are placed. I won maybe one or two of my placement games, which placed me in.....drumroll...... BRONZE 5!!! I didn't think much of it, but this was going to be quite the journey. Getting out of Bronze isn't difficult, it's damn near impossible! I didn't whine about it, I played. And played some more. And after that, I played some more.

    When you are in bronze, you have about a 50/50 chance of getting a troll, or someone that leaves the game. If you are lucky enough to get a full team, you then have a 50/50 chance that the players are going to be horrible, or feed the enemy team, or any other number of shennanigans. I moved all the way up to Bronze 1 six or seven different times. I moved all the way back down to Bronze five three times. I had multiple Bronze 1 promo series that were lost. One series, I had an afk two games in a row. One of my demotions, I was unfortunate enough to have an afk or a leaver six games in a row.

    After all of this, I made it. I made it out of Bronze, and I can never go back! Here is how I did it:

1. I played the same champs over and over again.
I chose a couple of champs based on my style and played them non stop. I chose Corki, an AD Carry or Marksman. My final stats with Corki are, as of today 92-64. Previously I was playing Sejuani, a Tanky jungler. I changed to a carry position, because you must be carrying the game to win. A tank or supporting role is much harder to win games with if you have bad teammates.

2. I ignored and muted trolls
If you want to win you cannot take part in any of the toxic behavior. The best way to go about it is to mute and report.

3. I took on a leadership position
This is a team game, even if you don't like your team. I start out every game by saying "Thanks in advance for your teamwork and sportsmanship". I know it sounds corny, but it works. I also will do things like, when someone makes a mistake or dies, say things like "It's okay we got this", or "Don't worry we have a better team comp". This is a huge factor in winning games.

4. Never give up
I have a rule, I never give up, and I never surrender. This game almost always has room for a comeback. This season will be comeback city, so hang in there.

5. Feel good when you play
I think the mental part of LoL is almost as important as the skill level you carry with you. If you feel good mentally, and have a good attitude, you will win more games.

    So there you have it! I made it out of Bronze and I am now earning my way up through silver. After hacing a terrible early run, my final stats are now 266 wins, and 266 losses. I was at once point at a 40 game deficit, so I have earned my silver wings. I hope this helps at least one person. If you want to play with me on the NA servers, my username is WinstonBAMF.

The Masked Gamer is out!

League Of Legends Community BLOWS!


What's up gamers? If you are like me, you love gaming. If you are even more like me, you are disgustingly addicted to League Of Legends. I recently started playing this game this year, and it is incredible amounts of fun, however, there is one catch...


    League Of Legends is a MOBA (massive online battle arena) game, that is is based on teams of three or five, and surrounds a set of unspoken rules called the "meta". The current meta consists of certain champion types going to certain map locations, or lanes. I won't bore you with the details, but it is a very team-centric game. You MUST cooperate with your teammates in order to win. Sounds great right? WRONG.

    Often times players will choose less than ideal champions for specific lanes on the map. This in itself isn't a big deal, but it can often times cause serious issues within the team dynamic. This can cause in game fighting, within a team, which can typically snowball into a quick loss. This is just one aspect of the community. It seems that even in the most simple aspects of the game, people cannot cooperate, and this is at champion select, the game hasn't even started.

    In all online games, there is a community. Some games have very nice communities, where the players help one another. Some do not. I believe that mankind has a sort of "follow the herd" mentality that most people do not even notice. In the real world, different parts of the world have different cultures, and gaming is the same. World of Warcraft for instance, has barren chat, which is riddled with people make Chuck Norris jokes for hours on end. Call of Duty has a quickscoping community, which has it's own set of rules and lingo. League Of Legends also has it's own set of rules and lingo as well.

    The LoL community is a few years old. I am relatively new to the game, but have played it many many hours. Like any community, in the real world, or online, there are trends that move from person to person, that end up being typical behavior. I have noticed, that the LoL community totally accepts what is called "toxic" behavior, people being rude, mean, and just all around crappy people. It is actually sad, because if the trend does not quell, I think that it can adversely impact this games future.

Typical League Of Legends game scenario

The champion select goes something like this:
Summoner 1: I want middle lane
Summoner 2: F**K you I'm middle
Summoner 1: Whatever we can both go mid, idc. Noob.
Summoner 2: Okay middle or feed. Reporting you.
Summoner 1: whatever I have another account I don't care if I get banned.

Now this doesn't seem like too big of a deal, but in this scenario it will actually effect the entire game, and all players on this team. This scenario typically ends in a loss for the other three players on the team, regardless of how well they play or how much they try to cooperate. This is unfortunate, but it has almost become acceptable to just be a jerk in this game.

Here is an example of an in game scenario:
Summoner 1: OMG noob stop feeding.
Summoner 2: STFU if you would help me I wouldn't be dying
Summoner 1: Can't help you, you are a noob.
Summoner 2: Your stats suck so bad. FML why do I always get stuck with idiot noobs
Summoner 1: F off I am better than you
Summoner 2 ( in all chat to the enemy team and ally team): This guy says he's better than me LOL WHAT A NOOB!!

In this scenario, the team that is arguing here, will typically lose. This is almost standard practice. If someone makes a mistake, no matter how big or small, there is a very high chance that there will be at least one person, if not multiple players that will call it out and criticize it, regardless if you are winning or losing. This accomplishes nothing other than upsetting the individual getting criticized.

    In short, the community has some serious issues, and I do not know if it is possible to repair it. In the real world, major social change has taken major efforts by some seriously influential people. Does this community have anyone that is willing to step up and take the challenge? Are there any pro players that are willing to work toward change? I want the LoL community to be a more enjoyable place to spend my time. I challenge any of you reading this to think before you act, and to the nice people in this game, I thank you!

Black Ops 2 Cash Prize Tournament !!!

What's up gamers?
In celebration of reaching 1000 Youtube Subscribers, I will be hosting a Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 free for all tournament, with a 1st and 2nd place Visa gift card prize! 1st place will get a $50.00 gift card, and 2nd place will get a $25 gift card! The tournament will commence on April 20th at 9pm PST. Please arrive half an hour early! If you would like to enter, there is no entry fee. You must subscribe to our Youtube channel, and send me a message letting us know you would like to participate. Take a look at the rules and roster here, which will be updated as new people sign up:


Watch the video, give it a like, and good luck!

Bacon Camo In Real Life

Black Ops 2, the newest Call Of Duty, recently released some micro transaction DLC. One of the included items is the Bacon Camo. Bacon is great, but Bacon Camo is even better! I like my bacon camo extra crispy, and sometimes I like Bacon Camo in a milkshake. I tested out the Bacon Camo in real life, and here are the amazing results!

YUM! Bacon Camo Bacon Camo Bacon Camo Bacon Camo Bacon Camo Bacon Camo Bacon Camo


Mouse and Keyboard support for PS4 and XBOX 720

    There are rumors flying around regarding the next generation consoles, the Playstation 4, and the XBOX 720. Every generation of consoles brings us new and exciting features, and notable increases in performance and graphics capabilities. Along with advanced performance, the design and aesthetics are greatly improved over their predecessors. The final piece of the improvements are the controllers. Additional buttons,more ergonomic designs, and advanced input mechanics are a few of the added features given to us. But what about the actual devices used?

    Gaming inputs have always been a major topic for me. I was born in the early 80's, right at the dawn of gaming. The highlight of my day was crouching into a green tube, or fighting weird creatures with a Battletoad. I felt more natural sitting on the couch with a controller in my hand then I did riding my bike with my friends. The video game controller was my favorite thing in the world, it was my gateway to the exciting world of Nintendo. Fast forward to the 90's. I get my first PC, a Packard Bell 166 hz model, and it was blazing fast.

    The world of gaming changed for me. Starcraft was the meat of my gaming, and Diablo was the potatoes. I sat huddled in front of my PC playing in KBK tournaments, and hanging out in the competitive gaming channel, Clan -x17. My brothers and friends preferred sitting down playing some Goldeneye 007 on the N64. I played all of the console games, but I always went right back to the PC. It wouldn't be long until my console days would come to an end, with the release of CounterStrike.

    The reason I go over this brief history of my gaming career (very brief), is because I am just as hardcore of a gamer as the guys that were playing Halo on the XBOX. I have played just about every game released for PC. I have competed in numerous major tournaments and leagues. Gaming history seemed to have moved on without me. PC games just weren't as big, and the PC gaming community seemed to be shrinking. I purchased my first XBOX 360 2 years ago. I was AMAZED! The community was built in. I instantly had tons of friends to play with. But there was one problem, I had to use a controller!

    Using a controller at this time in my life, was like using a spoon to cut a steak, I literally couldn't cut it. My reaction time was slow. I had to think about every movement I made, as opposed to twitch aiming. I was disgraced and shamed! I began a feverish search to find out how to use a mouse and keyboard on my XBOX 360. I researched and researched, and it seemed that everything fell short of any type of reasonable input options. And then I found the XIM3!

    The XIM3 allowed me to plug whatever I wanted into the 360, including my Mouse and Keyboard. This is when the debate started raging. I heard "that's cheating" "that's not fair" and even "I am reporting you." from fellow gamers. I didn't quite understand the reason I was pissing off these gamers! The way that I saw it, is that I preferred the mouse to the controller. I will be honest, when I first got the XIM3, I thought that I was going to just totally mop the floor with the controller "noobs". That really wasn't the case. There are plenty of gamers that can keep up with me in CoD, or any other FPS that I am playing.

    The reason I am writing this, is to hopefully shed some light on the subject. A PC gamer can use a controller,a joystick, a mouse and keyboard, or any other selection of input devices. Why can't we do the same with a console? I am hoping that the next gen consoles will have added support for optional input devices. I am not married to either console. I will purchase whichever console I feel is the best game box...BUT if one of them has mouse support, and the other doesn't, I will be purchasing the console that I can plug my Razer in to.

    Why would Sony or Microsoft want to add mouse support? It's simple. They would make TONS of money, and totally destroy the competing console. The convenience and support, and the simplicity offered by a console versus a PC, is priceless. No upgrading graphics cards, play with more of your friends, and it is plug and play. If Sony added mouse support to the PS4, and Microsoft did not, gaming would be changed forever. It would be a huge blow to the PC market, and it would take a HUGE amount of sales away from the 720. In short, if PS4 wants to win the console wars, add support for a mouse and keyboard. Thanks for reading!

-The Masked Gamer

PS4 ID Uses your real name

    What's up gamers? Recently Sony unveiled it's next console, the Playstation 4, and millions of gamers world wide are super excited...except me. Big Brother is all around us. More and more, our online identities are being crossed with our real life identities. I have noticed mixed reviews after Sony released that your new Sony ID will be your real name. Some people are okay with it, and others are not.

    I game for many different reasons. The first and foremost, is an escape from the boring real world. I like to step into my unique gamer profiles, whether it be on Steam,XBOX Live, or PSN. I like to be a badass gamer. I enjoy being able to shed some of my true identity when I pick up a controller. If I wanted to relive my real,office working,average identity, I would go back to work. In the real world, I work with people, and most of them are adults, and most of them purchase video games...for their children. I would like to be able to maintain my privacy when I am gaming.

    I also LOVE making Youtube videos. In my Youtube videos, I take on the persona of The Masked Gamer. Yes, this character is my personality, but it isn't exactly relevant to my real world persona. Youtube is another service pushing for the entanglement of your real name, and your online ID. Some people are okay using their real names online, but I think the choice should be left up to the end user, not the actual service provider. If I want to be "DragonSlayer69" online, and John Smith in real life, I would like that choice. Facebook is another item that I would like to keep separate from my gaming ID. I do NOT want to connect my Facebook account to my PSN account, or vice-versa. I don't think my boss at work needs to see how much time I put into video games, and how little time I put into work. It is my business.

    Some people are saying that it will be an "anti-troll" measure. In all honesty, there are internet trolls out there. So what ? Mute them. Block them from your account. Issue resolved, and you aren't forcing me to reveal my professional persona to my gaming world. If Sony wants to protect it's gamer base, it will not force people to use real names. Children play online, and they should be protected as well, from bullying, and from weirdos.

   The bottom line is, if Sony wants to alienate it's gamer base, they should force people to use their real names, and link their Facebook accounts. Many adult gamers (who spend the most money) will drop PS4 like a fly and get a PC. Many Adult gamers, that purchase games for their kids, will not allow their children to use a service that forces them to use their real names.

Bad move Sony, bad move...

PS4 Leaked Controller FAKE

Look at this fake Playstation 4 controller that was leaked!
    Sorry for the misleading post..I don't think this is fake. However I do think that this is not the "final version". I have been reading these ludicrous articles, on sites like FOX News (give me a break) and Forbes (Barf). I love reading these canned gaming articles on big corporate sites. It is entertaining, but it also makes me want to grind my eyeballs out with my 360 controller, which would hurt, and take a long time.
    This degenerate on Forbes goes on to quote some other idiot saying that the "touchscreen" would be used for this: "should allow for finer, more granular control than the less sensitive analogue sticks – think of the minute movements required for lining up a head-shot, for example." We all know how hard it is to line up a headshot with those unresponsive sticks, right? People like this should quit reporting on gaming news until they have actually played a video game. If I wanted to play Call Of Duty with an Android I would... wait, I wouldn't want to play COD on a touchscreen, how stupid would that be? I can just see it now "Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Nintendo DS version" bring out your noob sticks and start slapping them around on the touch screen with your 6 year old niece playing Pokemon. Now my head hurts.

    It get's better, and I am not even kidding when I quote this noob from FOX News: "Other whispers have claimed the new device will feature ultra-HD , and eight computer chips in its electronic brain to give it TEN times the processing power of the PS3" So I guess this means that the "writers at FOX News are laying in bed "whispering" to each other about the next generation console. I imagine the conversation would go something like this:

Reporter 1: "Bob what do you think about the PlayBox 4"
Reporter 2: "What's a PlayBox 4 Jim?"
Reporter 1: "It's that new Nintendo from Sony."
Reporter 2: "Ohhhhh yeah...I bought one of my kids that new Nintendo from Microsoft last year."
Reporter 1: "Anyways Bob, I hear this one is better than the last Nintendo PlayBox 3. I heard it has a stronger...uhm...what's it called...Electric Sytem...?"
Reporter 2: "You mean electric brain."
Reporter 1: "That's right! The electric brain!"

    I imagine shortly after, Bob and Jim's boss would walk into the bedroom, overhearing the "whispering" and say something like "Bob and Jim, Larry over in the Nintendo Game's Department quit, and we need a new team of Nintendo expert's to take over writing for him. I overheard you two talking, and it is obvious that you are Nintendo expert's, you will be perfect for the job"

  Enough fooling around. Back to the controller. If this is truly a prototype, which it may be, it is just that, a prototype. Sony does not have a history of releasing items that do not look as sleek as they operate, and I doubt that they will start now with the next round of console wars just around the corner.

  -The Masked Gamer

XBOX 720 Will allow Used Games

   What's up gamers? I have been reading and hearing a ton of Buzz about the rumored XBOX 720. One of these dirty little rumors has been that the 720 will no longer allow the use of used games. I am going to tell you why this isn't true, and why this would be a huge mistake for Microsoft in the console wars. One thing that rings true, is that the console wars are going to be ultra heated this year, with the release of the next gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft.

    The different reactions to the news of the next generation consoles varies. I have heard gamers say everything from "first in line" to "I won't buy one". I for one, am excited. As much as I love my consoles, I am ready for the future, and I will embrace it. One of the largest determining factors for many has been price. XBOX has a large monthly fee to play using the Live service, and Playstation 3, has a free service. In my opinion, if XBOX Live was free, Playstation would be hurting big time.

  This segways into my next point. In the past, a gamer could purchase a brand new game, play it until they were bored with it, and then turn it in for store credit at many game retailers like Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. Rumor has it, that games on the future consoles will be single use only. The new games would come with a one time use code, or possibly a digital signature that would only allow for use on a specific players console. This would make game developers a TON more money right? This would make it so people were forced to by every game they wanted to play....or would it?


   This rumor can be defeated by one single fact: developers make games to make money. The almighty power of the dollar trumps this rumor faster than you can say XBOX 720. This is simple economics 101 ladies and gents. Yes, the used game market is huge. Theoretically, if you take away the used market, new game sales will increase, right? Not necessarily. Imagine the 14 year old avid gamer. Christmas comes around and they are lucky to get 2-3 games under the Christmas tree. Let's use Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Halo 4, and Assassin's Creed 3. Oh, what an exciting Christmas!

   Fast forward 4 months later. Crysis 3 comes out. Little Timmy asks Mom if he can get a new video game. Sorry Timmy, Mom only has 3 games a year in her budget. So what is little Timmy to do? Little Timmy is too young to work, so his only real option is to trade in 2 of his slightly used games to Gamestop. By trading in 2 of his used games, he can then afford to purchase his shiny new copy of Crysis 3, a sale that would have never happened if it wasn't for the used game market. How many little Timmy's do you know? I know a ton of gamers who strictly use trade in money for new purchases. I trade in games all the time, and I bet you do too.

  The next reason the 720/PS4 will not cut off the used game market: competition. In the avid gamer sector (Playstation and XBOX), one mistake from either of these giants could destroy them until the next console release. In order for one of the console developers to get rid of the used market, both of them would have to do it. I highly doubt that one of them would take this risk without making an arrangement together to make it happen, and why would these rivals work together? If the 720 got rid of the used market, and the PS4 did not, hordes of gamers would jump ship, I know I would.

   In summary, this rumor of the used market going away is debunked. There is too much recycled money to be had by the developers, and too many gamers to piss off to make this a reality. And really, which one of these company's wants to be the first to destroy one of the great traditions in gaming?

Counter-Strike Global Offensive Release Date

What's up gamers?

I am excited about the upcoming release of CS:GO! I can't wait to get out there and start headshotting people with my trusty Deagle! From the currently released videos, it looks like we are well on the way to the new and (hopefully) improved Counter-Strike.

I have been playing CS since the earliest betas, and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. It is rumored to come out in March of 2012, but Valve won't release it until the gaming community us happy with the results of the game.

The only question I have now, is what about XBOX 360? It is confirmed to be multi platform, meaning that Playstation 3, MAC, and PC will all play together on the same servers, but what about Gold members?

I hope that Microsoft get's off it's rear and allows Live members to be included in this epic cross platform event. I will be following and reporting on this story as it happens, so stay tuned!

-The Masked Gamer

How to get your hacked XBOX live account back fast

I promised I would get you the link to the BBB website to file a formal complaint. PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THIS! If your XBOX live account was hacked, and it was not your fault, please file a complaint. Microsoft wants to maintain a good rating with the BBB, and in order to do so, they MUST resolve complaints. You will not get any type of answers calling customer support. They can't do anything except sending it over to the fraud department. People are pissed with Microsofts poor customer service, so fight back!

Here are the steps needed:
1. Call XBOX live support and contact them online here 1-800-4MY-XBOX
2. Make sure to EMAIL them, keep a record of every call and email.
3. CANCEL any and all financial information connected with your account, or you will be ROBBED.
4. File an online complaint with the Better Business Bureau HERE

Please feel free to let me know of your results.

I hope this helps you avoid going through the garbage I did when my XBOX account was hacked!

Gears of War 3 Crazy Gameplay Glitch

Good afternoon gamers!

I hope you are having an amazing day... I am stuck in a stuffy real world job, ugh! All I can think about is getting home and jamming out on some games. I think tonight will be a Orcs Must Die night! MW3 is also calling my name, so we will see.

We were playing some Gears Of War 3, and I was having a blast. We came across the large spider looking giant monster boss, and the sucker glitched out on us! We weren't able to kill it the first time around, but the second time was a charm with this one. I hope you like the video. Check it out below!

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 prestige symbols

What's up gamers? I wanted to post a quick picture of the COD MW3 prestige symbols. In MW3, there are 10 prestige levels. Every time you reach level 80 in the game, you have the option to start back over, and "prestige". In call of Duty Black Ops, there were 15 prestige levels. Call of Duty keeps it's players engaged by all of the different achievements that are possible. Prestiging is one of them. Here is the chart:

Pro Gamer Training

To many gamers, becoming a highly paid pro is a fream that is still within reach. Many of us have dreams of competing in the MLG, some of us have dreams of becoming Koreas next great Starcraft 2 Kingpin.

Now this dream can be a reality....

The training regimine in this video, until now, has largely been kept a secret. Get the insider secrets, and watch this video right away.

I will see you on the Pro Circuit!

-The Masked Gamer

Playing Gears Of War 3 Pre Review Review

Hi Gamers!

We finished playing through Gears Of War 2 so we could prepare for the onslaught of Gears 3. Here are my opening thoughts.

The good:
Amazing graphics! The graphics are top notch, and everything is shiny, and polished. The character lip movement is more in sync with the voice acting this time around.

This game is a ton of fun. We made it through about a third of the game so far. Should finish it within the week.

The bad:
We encountered a glitch on one of the Lambent bosses. In this segment of content, you have to shoot out the eyes of a mother lambent, and we made it to the last eye, and the eye glitched out, meaning we could not shoot out the last eye. I will post a video of this glitch so you can be aware.

I do not care for the ammo/gun/item pickups. They have added a little time delay to the pickups. Not a big deal but I do not really care for this change.

Overall it is shaping up to be an amazing game. I will post a full video and blog review once I complete the game. Also watch out for my boss fight videos!

Good Game!

-The Masked Gamer

Battlefield 3 GIVEAWAY!

Hey everyone! I will be giving away a copy of BATTLEFIELD 3! This is a free contest, and no purchase is nessacary. I will also be paying any shipping costs! Here are the rules:

1. This video must get 10,000 views
2. My YouTube channel must get 1000 subscribers
3. The highest rated comment will be deemed the winner, and the winner will be announced on our channel.

No purchase needed! Feel free to post as much and as often as you would like. Share away and help me get to 10,000 hits, so I can give this XBOX 360 copy of Battlefield 3 away as soon as possible!

Thanks for watching!